Stuff We Love

Tarkett Flooring Solutions: Several Reasons Why

At TESSERACT, we engage in designing projects that are meant to heal, when it comes to healthcare architecture. Beyond the sound technical features, every project we …

Delighted by EQUITONE for Nature – Blended Facades

A through-colored facade material, EQUITONE is a true blessing for architects, due to its natural look and versatility. This high-quality fiber cement material used for ventilated …

Absolute Love for NORA Flooring in Healthcare Design

In our design work for the healthcare sector, the main concern is to always maintain a user – first approach to our architecture, having in …

A Definitive Passion for Flugger System Finishes

There is already some time since we fell in love with the Scandinavian painting brand Flugger, although the company also produces high quality wood protection, …