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Real Estate Magazine: TESSERACT ARCHITECTURE, Almost 1 M EUR Business

The company registered high demand on the private and public medical facilities segment, as well as on the logistic and industrial spaces sector.

AGERPRESS: TESSERACT ARCHITECTURE Reaches 1 M EUR Turnover and 500.000 sqm of Designed Hospitals and Industrial Spaces

“Medical architecture has many particularities, and from a technical point of view – respecting the epidemiological norms, designing correct circuits and coordinating specific complex specialties – this is a true challenge for architects.”

BUCHAREST REAL ESTATE CLUB: Raluca Soaita, Healthcare Architect: Why Building Medical Facilities Will be Profitable

Many more hospital vulnerabilities will continue to surface in the next period, given the pandemic and especially the intensive care units – ICU (ATI) are highly exposed, says Raluca Soaita, founder of Tesseract Architecture, the single architecture company specialized in the healthcare sector and one of the few that operate in CEE.

Extension of Children Clinical Emergency Hospital Marie Curie

The balance between the technical stringencies of a medical flow and the need to humanize spaces

Raluca Șoaita, architect, has designed the first Pediatric Oncology and Radiotherapy Hospital in Romania, build by Dăruiește Viață Association in Marie Curie Hospital’s courtyard in …

Raluca Șoaita, the architect who envisioned the future Children’s Oncology Hospital currently built at Marie Curie

Raluca Șoaita is an architect and the founder of Tesseract Studio, the first medical architecture studio in Romania. She doesn’t admit to having competition, so …

Dăruiește Viață Association is building a modular hospital for patients with the new coronavirus, in Elias’ Hospital courtyard

Dăruiește Viață Association, founded by Carmen Uscatu and Oana Gheorghiu, anounces the opening of the modular hospital for COVID-19 patients worksite, in Elias’ Hospital courtyard, …

Asociația Dăruiește Viață construiește un spital modular pentru pacienții cu coronavirus, în curtea Spitalului Elias

Asociația Dăruiește Viață, fondată de Carmen Uscatu și Oana Gheorghiu, anunță că începe construcția unui spital modular unde vor fi tratați pacienți infectați cu coronavirus, …

#NoiFacemUnSpital: Primul Spital Național de Copii pentru Cancer, Boli Grave și Traumă

Pentru prima dată în România, un ONG construiește un spital de la zero, exclusiv din donații și sponsorizări. În contextul în care statul român nu …

#NoiFacemUnSpital : The First Oncology, Serious Deseases and Trauma Childrens’ National Hospital

For the first time in Romania an NGO is building a hospital from scratch, exclusively through donations and sponsorships. Given that the Romanian State hasn’t …

Raluca Șoaita – Romania can change

Raluca Șoaita is an architect and co-founder at the contemporary art gallery Eastwards Prospecturs. She studied in France, has a passion for Egipt but returned …

Extension of Children Clinical Emergency Hospital Marie Curie

Echilibrul dintre rigorile proiectării unui flux medical și nevoia de umanizare a spațiilor

Arh. Raluca Șoaita a proiectat primul Spital de Oncologie și Radioterapie Pediatrică din România, care este construit de Asociația „Dăruiește Viață” în curtea Spitalului „Marie …

Raluca Şoaita, arhitectul care a proiectat viitorul spital de oncologie pentru copii ce se construieşte la Marie Curie

Raluca Şoaita este arhitect şi fondator Tesseract Studio, primul studio de arhitectură medicală din România. Nu spune dacă are concurenţă, probabil nevoind să fie neloială, …