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Modernizarea activitatii TESSERACT ARCHITECTURE SRL (fosta SC STUDIO SQM SRL) prin achizitia de echipamente performante

Sibianca Raluca Șoaită, arhitecta Noului Spital Clinic Județean de Urgență Sibiu: „Pentru ca schimbarea să aibă loc, trebuie să luăm atitudine; nu se mai poate să ne gândim că «merge şi aşa». Un spital nou construit, precum cel de la Sibiu, poate să fie parte a unei astfel de schimbări”.

TESSERACT architects, the single medical architecture studio in Romania sign the interior design concept of the new private neurology clinic Neuroaxis. The clinic is located at the groundfloor of the new U Center building in the center of Bucharest and is an efficient medical insertion in a modern office building.

INTERVIU cu Arh. Raluca Șoaita: Starea de sănătate a spitalelor indică starea de sănătate a societății

TESSERACT architects, the single medical architecture studio in Romania sign the interior design concept of the new private neurology clinic Neuroaxis. The clinic is located at the groundfloor of the new U Center building in the center of Bucharest and is an efficient medical insertion in a modern office building.

Raluca Soaita, Healthcare Architect: Why Building Medical Facilities Will be Profitable

TESSERACT architects, the single medical architecture studio in Romania sign the interior design concept of the new private neurology clinic Neuroaxis. The clinic is located at the groundfloor of the new U Center building in the center of Bucharest and is an efficient medical insertion in a modern office building.

Experts’ Visit at Marie Curie Hospital in Bucharest – May 30th, 2022: 3 Reasons why Sharing is Caring

At the initiative of NGO Asociaţia Dăruieşte Viaţă (Give Life Association), Marie Curie Children’s Hospital in Bucharest started as a mere extension project and turned into the …

Femei în arhitectură. Raluca Șoaita: „Am fost mereu interesată de modul în care funcționează lucrurile, mecanismele, sistemele complexe”

TESSERACT architects, the single medical architecture studio in Romania sign the interior design concept of the new private neurology clinic Neuroaxis. The clinic is located at the groundfloor of the new U Center building in the center of Bucharest and is an efficient medical insertion in a modern office building.

TESSERACT ARCHITECTURE: Instrumentele digitale faciliteaza mult coordonarea

TESSERACT architects, the single medical architecture studio in Romania sign the interior design concept of the new private neurology clinic Neuroaxis. The clinic is located at the groundfloor of the new U Center building in the center of Bucharest and is an efficient medical insertion in a modern office building.

Secție nouă de nefrologie pentru copiii internați la Spitalul Fundeni

At the initiative of NGO Asociaţia Dăruieşte Viaţă (Give Life Association), Marie Curie Children’s Hospital in Bucharest started as a mere extension project and turned into …

30 de ani de capitalism. Raluca Șoaita, TESSERACT: Trebuie să transformăm spitalele reci și ostile care parcă prelungesc boala, în spații medicale care seamănă mai mult cu “acasă”

TESSERACT architects, the single medical architecture studio in Romania sign the interior design concept of the new private neurology clinic Neuroaxis. The clinic is located at the groundfloor of the new U Center building in the center of Bucharest and is an efficient medical insertion in a modern office building.

ZF Investiţi în România! Raluca Şoaita, Tesseract Architecture: Pandemia a dus la dezvoltarea infrastructurii sistemului medical privat. Apar investitori acum şi în oraşe mai mici

TESSERACT architects, the single medical architecture studio in Romania sign the interior design concept of the new private neurology clinic Neuroaxis. The clinic is located at the groundfloor of the new U Center building in the center of Bucharest and is an efficient medical insertion in a modern office building.

TESSERACT ARCHITECTURE estimates to double its business in 2021, reaching almost EURO 2 million

TESSERACT architects, the single medical architecture studio in Romania sign the interior design concept of the new private neurology clinic Neuroaxis. The clinic is located at the groundfloor of the new U Center building in the center of Bucharest and is an efficient medical insertion in a modern office building.

BIZ Magazine: Romanian architects design hospitals according to outdated regulations from the `70s

Raluca Soaita, founder of TESSERACT ARCHITECTURE, the first medical architecture studio on Romania talks about the main problems of the local medical system highlighted by the coronavirus pandemic, as well as about the main challenges in the medical architecture sector.